FAQs About New Age Petanque
Another 21st century sport that is set to hit schools, homes and communities by storm is New Age Petanque (also known as boules). Like New Age Kurling and New Age Bowls, it can be played by people all ages and abilities – either indoors or outdoors. It only needs a flat surface for accurate play.
Bowls World sell New Age Petanque sets, which includes 12 hand stitched balls (in four colours) two jacks and a smart black carrying case with red trim. Just click on the link to buy.
Meanwhile, here’s some facts and information about New Age Petanque, including how the game came about and the equipment you need to start playing right away.
What is New Age Petanque?
New Age Petanque is a take on boules, which is played all over France. The main difference is that it can be played on all sorts of surfaces – inside and outside – including carpet, solid wood floorboards, vinyl, concrete, paving stones and tarmac. It is also an all-inclusive game, so everyone can enjoy the fun!
How Did New Age Petanque Come About?
New Age Petanque is another addition to the various sports invented by British man John Bennet, who invented New Age Kurling, Kurling Kroquet and Kurling Golf. The idea was to create games which are accessible for all, so that people with disabilities can play against able bodied people on the same level.
Bennet has since been named British Chamber of Commerce’s regional Entrepreneur of the Year for his innovative games, which are played in clubs, sporting facilities, and educational establishments all over the world. A number of his games, including New Age Petanque, are also played in sports and rehabilitation centres.
How is the Game Played?
Just as in lawn bowls, the aim of the game is to throw the ball as close to the jack as possible. Once the first ball is thrown, the second player, or team, can either throw to try to reach the jack, or aim to nudge the first ball out of the way. Players take it in turns to do this, and a round is complete once all the balls are thrown. Only the winning team of each round can score points, and in doing so they get to start the next round. The first team to accumulate 13 points wins the game.
Who is it Suitable For?
The game can be played by up to four players, or teams. It is possible to have teams of up to three people (if more people want to take part – in schools or clubs for instance). It is now a globally recognised Paralympic Sport and the balls can be kicked, thrown, rolled, or pushed down a ramp. The balls measure 23.5 – 24cm around the edge and weigh 190 – 195 gm.
If you are playing as a family, it should be noted that the game is not suitable for children under the age of three years.
What Type of Equipment is Needed?
Bowls World sell New Age Petanque sets, which is pretty much all you need to play. These consist of 12 balls in four colours: red, green, blue and orange, and two white jacks. All balls are made of synthetic leather and have plastic beads inside. They are designed to be soft enough not to scratch indoor surfaces. In addition to our New Age Petanque sets, we also sell bowls ramps. Click on the above link to buy.
Bowls World – Click here to buy New Age Petanque products and equipment. We offer free postage to the UK mainland.