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Aero Bowls – Comfitpro Bowls and Equipment for Sale

Here, at Bowls World, we stock a wide range of bowls, equipment and clothing for amateur and professional players including all the leading brand names such as Henselite, Taylor, Emsmorn, Drakes Pride. A recent addition to our website is a brand new range of bowls and equipment made by Comfitpro – which includes a sought after selection of bowls, bags and shoes.

Aero Bowls – Click here to buy Comfitpro Bowls

Aero Bowls emblems catalogue (Click on image)

About Comfitpro Bowls

Made by Australian company Comfitpro, Aero Bowls, also known as Aerobowls or Comfitpro bowls, are designed with accuracy and precision in mind and they have had the thumbs up from some of the biggest names in bowling. The company has listened to famous players such as David Bolt, Brett Wilkie, Ellen Falkner, Val Smith and Mervyn King, who along with other players put their input into the design – and this is one of the reasons why this range is expected to be flying off the shelves!

Aero Bowls are manufactured in a high tech factory in Sydney and are used by top players such as Kelvin Kerkow – another big name who helped in the design process. There are a number of reasons why Kerkow and other world champions use Comfitpro bowls and here we put the spotlight on why these bowls are set to be a huge hit with players, including professional and amateur players across the globe:

  • Aero Bowls are highly accurate – Each set you buy of the same model is the same and is matched in quality and weight (within three grams). This can be put down to the manufacturing process where state of the art equipment – including precision lathes and robotic equipment – is used to make these bowls, and they are even buffed using the same apparatus used by Rolex. So what you expect is exactly what you get with Comfitpro!
  • Aero trajectory for precision play – High tech equipment used in the factory creates bowls that are more accurate on the green, as the bowls are less affected by gusts, breezes and uneven surfaces. With each Aero Bowl you get an even, predictable arc, which ultimately gives you more confidence with every shot. Whichever model of Aero Bowls you buy, the bowl will start the turn about mid-way between the mat and the jack.
  • Input from leading names in Bowling – Many high profile players have put their ideas forward at the creation stage. In addition to this, the partners are both big names, with one of them holding an Australian title.
  • Size doesn’t matter with Aero Bowls – The bowls give their best delivery regardless of which size of bowls you choose; and as there are a complete range of half-sizes, you are sure to find the perfect bowl that gives you comfort and a secure grip. Aero Bowls are designed for all ages and abilities, so if you need to go down a size, it won’t compromise your game.
  • Aero Bowls have been used in top games – In fact, this was the brand that won the most big name titles in Australia in 2013!
  • Bowls to suit the conditions of play – Aero makes as many as seven different models, designed and created to suit various conditions of play (e.g. terrain and climate) in specific countries across the globe.

Aero Coloured Bowls

The Aero range is available in 28 amazing colours, so the chances are you won’t have a bowl quite like anyone else in your club! You can also choose the type, size, emblem and ring colour to make your bowl truly unique. Plus extra large emblems are available so your bowl is sure to stand out above the rest! Choose from zig-zag grips, AeroDentations or plain rings.

Trifecta Colour Range

For a colourful, fashionable set that stands out on the green, the Aero Trifecta Colour range is the perfect choice. A wide range of colours are available including Dark Blue/Yellow, Pink/Dark Blue/Magenta, Galaxy/Solarflare/Magma, Solarflare/Matilda/Jazz and Dark Blue/Maroon/Yellow. As with the coloured bowls you can also choose the type of bowls, the size, emblem and ring colour.

Bowls World sell the following Comfitpro bowls in the colour range or Trifector Colour Range:

Maxim – The characteristic of the Aero Maxim, or AeroMaxim, is that it is a wide swinging bowl with a strong finish. It is designed for slow paced greens and is ideal for UK conditions. As with all Aero bowls, these are milled with precision in mind and the Maxim has a gentle, accurate arc that will hold the line.

Groove – The Aero Groove, or AeroGroove, suits normal outdoor grass conditions in the UK and South Africa, and most other bowls playing countries with the exception of Australia and New Zealand. It has less swing than the Maxim and is ideal for faster outdoor greens but can also be used on slow greens.

Revolution – The Aero Revolution, or AeroRevolution, was used by Jeremy Henry who won the 2013 World Cup. It benefits from a predictable and accurate arc, and holds the line with the least amount of weight, so you can bowl with accuracy on the mat. It suits indoor or fast outdoor conditions.

Space – The Aero Space, or AeroSpace, is suitable either for very fast indoor or fast outdoor conditions. It is the newest range to the UK and is also Comfitpro’s narrowest drawing bowl in their UK range. The Aero Space has a comparable type of drawline to the Henselite Dreamline bowl.

In addition to the bowls, we also sell a wide range of fashionable shoes and bags by Comfitpro. New stock is being added all the time so keep checking our website to see what we have available by Comfitpro. Bowls World ship worldwide including to the UK, Ireland, Channel Islands, Spain, Tenerife, Portugal, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Hong Kong and South Korea.

Aero Bowls – Click here to see more of the Comfitpro range

Henselite Bowls
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