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  • Bowls World Limited Unit 6,35 Key Street, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP4 1BZ

New Year’s Resolution – Taking up Lawn Bowls and How to go About it

With the start of the New Year, now is the time to think about taking up a new sport or hobby – and lawn bowls could be just the thing! If you can’t take part in strenuous activity, such as rugby or racing round a football pitch – or don’t like the idea of it – lawn bowls is a great sport to take up. It a game of skill and precision and is also an ideal way to meet new people and make new friends. It doesn’t matter how old – or how young – you are, lawn bowls is a fantastic activity to get involved in over the coming year.

Here we shall take a brief look at what lawn bowls involves and explain how to take up the game as a newcomer.

Lawn Bowls – click here to buy online.

Lawn Bowls: What it Involves

Lawn bowls involves delivering a bowl as close to the Jack, a small, white ball, as possible and the aim is to get your bowl closer to your opponent’s. The bowls used are biased, which makes the game more skilful.

Can Lawn Bowls be Trendy?

Yes, bowls is trendy but it is about changing people’s attitudes and perceptions of the game. There are all sorts of bowls players from the very young ones – aged nine and upwards – to celebrities. These range from former football players to film directors and there’s even a Club in Beverley Hills where American film producer, script writer and director, Walt Disney, was a bowls player!  Every year, lawn bowls attracts interest from juniors and older players taking up the sport for the first time. 

Where do I Start?

If you are thinking of becoming a first time player, the best thing to do is find out where your nearest club is and contact them direct. There are thousands of bowls clubs up and down the country, so you will always find one near you. It could be a specific, purpose-built bowls club or a designated green based at the village hall, or your local sports ground.  The club may offer organised beginner sessions or, if not, just contact the club secretary to arrange a convenient time when you can introduce yourself to the other players and watch a game at first hand.

What is the Cost?

The cost of taking up lawn bowls varies from club to club, so it is always best to contact your local one direct to find out the exact prices. Some clubs ask only for a one off membership fee, but most ask for an annual fee, plus an additional playing fee. Some also offer sessions where you can pay and play.

If you are serious about the game, you need to think about buying your own bowls and selecting the right clothing. Bowls World sell a variety of lawn bowls, plus lawn bowls equipment, clothing and accessories to get you started.  New bowls are expensive but there are second hand bowls available that you can buy from Bowls World, or even from other players at the club.

Buying Bowls

Competition bowlers have lots of different bowls sets but the average player has only one set, so it is important to invest in something that will help improve your game. When it comes to buying bowls, there are some things that you need to think about:

Bias –  There are various bowls with all sorts of bias, ranging from narrow drawing bowls, right up to wide drawing bowls, so try out a few at your local club to decide on which is the best for you.

Size – Women generally opt for a size 1 or 2 and men usually have a 3 or 4, but everyone has different sized hands, so it is important you choose one that feels comfortable for you.

Grip – The type of grip you choose is also important for play and you would need a bowl that has a firm but comfortable grip.

The most important thing to do is ‘try before you buy’. Borrow some different bowls at your local club. Seek advice from an experienced club member, or visit your local bowls shop, such as Bowls World, where the staff there can help you choose.

Do I Need to Take Lessons?

If you are thinking of starting up the game, you will often find a willing individual to coach you through some of the techniques involved. Many bowls clubs offer free lessons to show you how to bowl, to explain the rules of the game, and to talk you through the terminology.

About Bowls World

If you new year’s resolution is to take up bowls, Bowls World sell a wide variety of bowls equipment, accessories and clothing world-wide for beginners to the more experienced players.

Lawn Bowls – click here to buy online.

Henselite Bowls
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